Biden Will Raise Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles, Chips and Other Goods

Biden Will Raise Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles, Chips and Other Goods
Biden Will Raise Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles, Chips and Other Goods

President Biden will announce on Tuesday that he is increasing tariffs on a range of Chinese imports, including electric vehicles, solar panels, semiconductors and advanced batteries, in what he calls an attempt to protect strategic American industries from a new wave of unfair competitors from Beijing subsidized.

The president will also formally endorse maintaining tariffs imposed by President Donald J. Trump on more than $300 billion in Chinese goods. During his run for the White House in 2020, Mr. Biden criticized these tariffs as taxes on American consumers.

Mr. Biden’s moves are the latest escalation of the trade war by a president who initially promised to repeal at least some of Trump’s tariffs but is now refusing to cede ground to his rival in a tough appeal to China over swing manufacturing voters targeting the Midwest and beyond.

They also reflect Mr. Biden’s efforts to build on Mr. Trump’s consensus-defying trade conflict with China while focusing it on sectors of strategic importance to the United States, such as clean energy and semiconductors.

The increased tariffs would apply to about $18 billion worth of annual imports from China, White House officials said. The biggest increase will be the quadrupling of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles from 25 percent to 100 percent. This move aims to shield a part of the American auto industry that will receive hundreds of billions of dollars in federal grants to help the United States transition to a clean energy future.

Mr. Biden is banking on his efforts to leverage federal investments in heavy industry, including electric vehicles and other green technologies, to create middle-class jobs and help win swing states that are home to parts of those industries. Biden advisers nodded ahead of the trade policy announcement, highlighting states they expected to benefit from the tariffs.

“We know that China’s unfair practices have hurt communities in Michigan and Pennsylvania and across the country that now have the opportunity to return because of President Biden’s investment agenda,” Lael Brainard, who leads the White House National Economic Council, told reporters .

Ms. Brainard also criticized the Trump administration for what she said was a “failed” attempt to force China to change unfair trade practices.

Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen, who has previously criticized tariffs as taxes on consumers, said the new levies were justified because China’s excess industrial capacity posed a threat to the United States and its allies, as well as to emerging markets. She said the Biden administration will not allow cheap Chinese exports to hurt American workers.

“President Biden and I have seen firsthand the impact on American communities of the rise of certain artificially cheap Chinese imports in the past, and we will not tolerate it again,” Ms. Yellen said, explaining that the tariffs were not intended as “anti- Tariffs are meant to be China.”

China’s Commerce Ministry criticized the tariffs in a statement, saying China “strongly opposes them.” The statement called the Biden administration’s decision a “typical political manipulation” that would “seriously harm the atmosphere of bilateral cooperation.”

The statement called on the United States to reverse the decision and said: “China will take decisive measures to defend its rights and interests.”

Administration officials had long debated reducing some of Mr. Trump’s tariffs – which applied to a wide range of products, including clothing and home lighting – while increasing levies in more strategic areas. But officials pointed to a long-awaited mandatory review by Mr Biden’s trade representative, also due to be released on Tuesday, which concluded that China’s disregard for international trade rules necessitated maintaining all tariffs.

Officials said this week they believe American companies that sourced products and components abroad conformed to those initial tariffs or used an official process to request tariff exclusions.

The relative value of the goods subject to Mr. Trump’s original tariffs, compared to the much lower value of those targeted by Mr. Biden, reflects a crucial difference in their competing trade approaches with China.

Mr. Trump has favored sweeping tariffs as a means of leverage against China, as the country’s export economy remains heavily dependent on the American consumer. During his time in office, he attempted to use tariffs to negotiate more favorable trade terms between countries and bring manufacturing jobs back to America, but with little success.

Mr Trump has promised to go further if he wins in November – restricting investment between the two countries and banning some Chinese products from the United States entirely. He has also promised to apply this approach more broadly by subjecting all imports, regardless of their origin, to an additional 10 percent tariff.

Mr. Biden has chosen to increase Chinese tariffs in areas his administration targets for growth and where the United States has invested huge sums of money, including in clean energy technology and semiconductors.

The share of Chinese solar cells will double to 50 percent. The proportion of certain advanced batteries and the critical minerals required to build them will increase to 25 percent. Semiconductor tariffs will be doubled to 50 percent. Some of these increases will be delayed, apparently to give domestic companies time to ramp up their own production and find other sources outside of China.

Further tariffs will affect industries in key swing states, including heavy metals. For certain imported steel and aluminum products, the rates will be tripled to 25 percent.

Mr. Biden will also increase tariffs on some medical equipment that officials consider essential to the pandemic response, including face masks and surgical gloves.

Administration officials described the increases as a suitable antidote to “unfair, non-market practices” by the Chinese government, including government subsidies for factories and what officials describe as the theft of innovative ideas from foreign competitors.

“China’s forced technology transfer and intellectual property theft have contributed to China controlling 70, 80, and even 90 percent of global production of the critical inputs necessary for our technologies, infrastructure, energy, and health care – posing unacceptable risks to America’s supply chains and the economy created security,” administration officials said in a fact sheet distributed ahead of the announcement.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said in response to a question about reports of the tariffs at the ministry’s daily news conference on Tuesday that China “will take all necessary measures to protect its legitimate rights and interests.”

Many economists oppose tariffs because they tend to act like an effective tax on domestic consumers by raising prices. Administration officials said this week they did not expect the increased tariffs to lead to a rise in prices – already uncomfortably rapid for many consumers – because they were so narrowly targeted.

Labor leaders and Democratic lawmakers were expected to support the announcement, although some Democrats, such as Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, have already called on Mr. Biden to go further and ban Chinese electric vehicles.

The imposition of tariffs, first by Mr. Trump and now by Mr. Biden, reflects a growing awareness — inside and outside Washington — of Chinese trade practices that have cost American workers their jobs, said Adam Hodge, chief executive of communications firm Bully Pulpit International in Washington and former spokesman for Mr. Biden’s trade envoy and the National Security Council.

“We got smart,” Mr. Hodge said. “It’s smart policy because it responds to what Americans are seeing in communities across the country.”

Alan Rappeport contributed reporting. Siyi Zhao contributed research from Seoul.

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2024-05-14 13:55:19