Lara Trump, R.N.C. Leader, Denounces Larry Hogan for Accepting Trump Verdict

Lara Trump, R.N.C. Leader, Denounces Larry Hogan for Accepting Trump Verdict

Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee and daughter-in-law of former President Donald J. Trump, on Sunday condemned Larry Hogan, the Republican Senate candidate in Maryland, for urging Americans to “respect the judgment” against Mr. Trump . Trump is criticizing a prized recruit who gave the party a chance to win a seat reliably held by Democrats.

Late Thursday afternoon, after a jury in Manhattan said it had reached its verdict — but before it had been announced — Mr. Hogan, a former Maryland governor, posted on social media: “Regardless of the outcome, I challenge everyone Americans to show respect.” the verdict and the legal process. At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders – regardless of party – must not add fuel to the fire with more toxic partisanship. We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.”

That statement from Mr. Hogan, a moderate Republican who has long been critical of Mr. Trump, was not shocking. But it angered some of Mr. Trump’s supporters, who claimed the trial was rigged due to grievances, including the venue in liberal New York City.

Mr. Hogan “doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party at this point and, quite frankly, no one in America, if you think that way,” said Ms. Trump, who is married to Mr. Trump’s son Eric, in an interview on CNN – the latest indication of how loyalty to Mr. Trump has become a crucial test within the Republican Party.

She did not directly answer interviewer Kasie Hunt’s follow-up questions about whether the Republican Party would continue to support Mr. Hogan. A spokeswoman for Mr. Hogan did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday.

“So are you willing to give up the Maryland Senate seat to the Democratic Party and not support Larry Hogan?” Ms. Hunt asked.

“What I will tell you is that of course we as a party want to win, but this is a disgrace and I think he should have thought long and hard before saying that publicly,” Ms. Trump said.

Ms. Hunt then specifically asked whether the Republican Party would use its resources to support Mr. Hogan’s campaign, and Ms. Trump responded: “Well, I’ll be forthcoming with all the details financially, but what I can tell you is As Co- Chairman of the Republican Party, in my opinion, he should never have said something like that. I think that’s ridiculous.”

When an RNC official was asked after Ms. Trump’s interview whether the committee would continue to support Mr. Hogan, he also did not answer yes or no. But she said Mr. Hogan needed to win over Trump supporters in Maryland; repeated Mr. Trump’s claims that the process was rigged and falsely linked him to Mr. Biden; and referenced a social media post by Chris LaCivita, a Trump campaign adviser, who wrote to Mr. Hogan: “You just ended your campaign.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee, which works to elect Republicans to the Senate, was thrilled by Mr. Hogan’s unexpected appearance in February, which suddenly gave Republicans an opportunity they almost certainly wouldn’t have had with any other candidate. An NRSC spokesman responded to a request for comment saying the group would continue to support Mr. Hogan even if the RNC did not.

The spokesman, Tate Mitchell, referred to a social media post in which a Fox News reporter said the NRSC chairman, Senator Steve Daines of Montana, stood by Mr. Hogan.

The Maryland Senate seat in question is open due to the resignation of Senator Ben Cardin, the Democratic incumbent. Maryland hasn’t elected a Republican to the Senate in more than 40 years, but it elected Mr. Hogan governor twice, and he left office in 2023 with high approval ratings. He has pushed back against Republican Party orthodoxy on some issues, including Mr. Trump and abortion.

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2024-06-02 23:26:17