Making strategic moves to insurance success

Making strategic moves to insurance success

With strategic steps to insurance success | Insurance business America

It’s not about taking a lot of steps, it’s about taking the right steps

Insurance News

By Ryan Smith

In the fast-paced world of insurance, success often comes from those who move strategically within the industry and continually look for opportunities to learn and grow. Meghan Merris (pictured), real estate agent at CRC Group, exemplifies this approach.

“Some people would say I took a lot of steps. I think each step was pretty strategic, and I was always very interested in learning and supplementing skills that I felt I was lacking,” she said.

Merris’ journey in insurance has been marked by a conscious transition from the retail side to understanding the intricacies of facultative and deeper technical underwriting at corporate. This diverse experience has proven beneficial to both her team and customers at CRC.

“Having a diverse range of experience has proven to be truly beneficial to our team’s long-standing clients, attracting new customers and finding innovative solutions within CRC,” said Merris.

Camaraderie through collaboration

What sets CRC apart, according to Merris, is the collaborative environment between brokerage teams. The Women’s Network, which fosters strong camaraderie among female professionals, has been an important support system.

Merris believes the insurance industry offers tremendous opportunities for those willing to learn and remain curious. Regardless of whether you decide to work as a generalist or specialize in complex real estate, continuous development and a thirst for knowledge are crucial.

“The important thing is to maintain curiosity and find the people you trust to educate and educate you, whether that requires a step or not,” she said.

Reflecting on the challenges of 2023, Merris described it as “a generationally tough market for complex real estate.” The difficulties of coming up with palatable proposals in the face of reinsurance declines and skyrocketing prices presented significant hurdles. Tri County, Florida, presented a particular challenge, and the evolving natural disaster landscape, including wildfires and convective storms, increased the complexity.

As the industry changes throughout 2024, Merris notes a sense of stabilization, even if relief remains elusive; However, it highlights the ongoing difficulty.

“There are certainly several emerging markets in 2024 and we hope that introducing increased capacity into a large, complex real estate placement from 2023 will provide some relief for problematic strata,” Merris said.

To meet the challenges of 2024, Merris emphasized the importance of staying informed about where capacity comes from, optimizing access and creating efficient programs for clients. Their commitment to expanding their customer base is consistent with CRC’s commitment to supporting its professionals.

Growth through giving back

In addition to supporting real estate clients, Merris enjoys giving back and recently served as a speaker series for Loyola University of Chicago, her alma mater. The series focused on risk management and insurance, and Meghan’s presentation focused on complex real estate and the various roles involved in creating an insurance policy. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with the next generation entering the field, highlighting the diverse opportunities in insurance, from technical roles to brokerage roles.

Merris’ involvement with both the Loyola Project and the CRC Women’s Network demonstrates her diverse contributions to the industry.

“Working to provide resources to the women at CRC so they continue to feel supported is a project I have begun to work on and I am very excited about it,” she said.

Merris embodies a strategic and adaptive approach to a dynamic industry. Her journey, characterized by continuous learning and collaboration, reflects the essence of success in the ever-evolving insurance landscape. While the industry faces challenges, its insights and initiatives are a testament to the resilience and innovation within CRC Group.

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2024-06-28 15:08:29