What are the trends impacting driver risk management?

What are the trends impacting driver risk management?

What trends are impacting driver risk management? | Insurance business America

The aim of the report is to provide a deeper understanding of what influences driver risk and safety

Engine & Fleet

By Abigail Adriatico

The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research, in collaboration with cloud-based risk management solution SambaSafety, released a report examining the trends impacting driver risk management.

Its report, titled “2024 Driver Risk Report: Key Trends Shaping Automative Mobility,” found that the average violation rate for drivers in the U.S. and Canada in 2022 was 27%.

Meanwhile, the top three violations in 2021 and 2022 in the Southwest, Pacific and Midwest regions of the U.S. were all related to speeding. The driver age group with the highest violation rate in 2022 was 26-35 year olds with a rate of 33.9%.

To collect its findings, the report leveraged the SambaSafety repository of telematics, motor vehicle records (MVR) and compliance, safety and accountability (CSA) data, which provided observations on driver risk.

“Our extensive network taps driving insights from over 3,000 integrated data sources, providing unparalleled insight into driving behavior,” said Rich Lacey, Chief Product Officer of SambaSafety.

He noted that the company will launch the SambaSafety Risk Index later this month, which will provide customers with access to a comprehensive risk assessment. This gives you a holistic overview of the risk profiles of drivers and fleet.

“This feature simplifies the way companies identify and reduce the trending risk identified in our 2024 Driver Risk Report,” Lacey said.

Noelle Codispoti, academy director at the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, said the partnership with SambaSafety shows how committed the alliance is to advancing the industry’s understanding of risk.

“The findings in this report will serve as an important resource for insurance professionals seeking to address the complexities of driver risk management in today’s dynamic environment,” said Codispoti.

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2024-05-31 13:54:50
